Friday, March 31, 2017

Confuse with job scope

Just wanna share what happened to our office lately.

Biasa dunia retail ni, setiap kali cashier ada short monies, depend on the mistake. Worst come to worst cashier need to pay the shortages.

There are so many reasons why management made such rules which I just dont want to elaborate more here as I am not trying to train anyone here. Huhuhu.

Recenly one of our shop got shortages. And what the PIC of the pricing system which is A and the store manager which is B did at the very 1st place was try to find out the cause. After investigation, still a mystery because the price tag was correct, systems setting also correct. But dont know why the cashier not carefull and alert during scanning out at POS. They sold goods with price tag RM199 to only RM89.90 and not once but total up of shortages was RM1000++.

Well, its not so surprise to me because I experience it before so many times which most of the times because of virus. But, this was rare. More than 10 years experience in retail that's why I said many times. Maybe once or twice a year.

We can say it was a mistake for the 1st time but not after total up to 6-7 goods sold. That is one of the reason why cashier need to bear the losses. Imagine, company pay them fix basic salary monthly exclude commission and incentives and you simply working without taking care of company's assets?

Its a common practice in retail world regardless of small or big company. Mine experience even working with Carrefour, Guardian, Giant still applied the same rules & regulations.

What come to my surprised was, when a person who so called *** questioning why the cashier have to bear the shortages. Even demand a proof that was instructions from Finance Directors. Wowww...!!!!

And she simply gave instructions to accounts people to surrender the affected receipts which generated from systems.

When accounts girl asked me, huh silap la..

My answer : Who is she? If me is you I will said that I only will talk to Operations Manager bout this matter.

And what come to surprise, the account girls gave same answer to the her. Yahh lawak lawaks.

Then the *** reply

I warn you. If u try to manipulated the  data, I will direct talk this matter to the MD & FD.
Jaga periuk nasi sendiri...


Dont she know that we are here working so close with both MD & FD and you think take we are scared with that???????

What do you mean jaga periuk nasi sendiri?

You just 2 month working here and not even confirmed yet and you dare to threaten permanent staff who working direct with MD & FD???????

She confuse or what?
What are your job scope here lady...????

What made she was really bad was when she said that Si A & B try to collect illegal money from cashier to enjoy.

What a stupid dam dam.

Friday, March 17, 2017

SiaP BeLi Tix KL-LoNDoN


Memula plan nak naik Vietnam Airlines je... habis jimat dah tu.
Kalo masuk Vietnam Airlines cari tix untuk any dates boleh je dapat around RM6500/3 pax.
Tapi nak kena transit kat Ho Chi Minh la.

Then abi pulak kata xleh nak cuti lama sangat sebab 2 org colleque dia resign.. hurrmmm...

Takat aku nak transit berani la.. biar even aku berdua dgn Damia. Tapi abi... hurmmm.... since abi pon x penah gi obersi.

Dah rezeki Allah nak bagi selepas kena tipu... huh..!!!

Kelmarin dok google2 tetiba jumpa pulak tix MAS murah.

Banyak  betoi dugaan masalah masa nak beli tix.

Memula xleh proceed ke payment. Lama loading sampai time out.
Lepas 4-5x try, penat la nak masuk details apa semua, loading smp tim out.
So called terus la. Bila proceed nak buat payment tu asyik trasaksi tidak berjaya. 
Berbulu betoi...

Rupanya on-line purchase utk tix tu je dah over limit.
Dah siap update limit, try beli lagi pun x berjaya.

Kesimpulannya sebab block-up.
Buta IT sgt..!

Pehtu cari tix abi dah x dpt murah. 
Kami kena beli asing sebab abi just akan stay sana 3 weeks je. Maknanya abi akan balik dulu.

Nasebek budak MAS tu nak layan. Lama gak on-hold call sebab dia cari date utk the cheapest price.
Last sekali dia jawab, kak, apa  kata akak try balik start 12am malam ni sebab MATTA fair start 16hb.
Banyaj seat utk promo sebenarnya tp sekarang x nampak.

Laa.... MATTA fair price ke rupanya?
Padan lah achik pelik awat MAS tetiba dapat tix murah direct flight KL-London.

Esoknya la yakni semalam masuk opis je terus try beli tix.
Alhamdullilahh... settle.

Dapat la tix abi RM2344 mahai sikit
Tix aku RM2290 and 
Tix Damia RM1646.

Kalo xde passport boleh je beli tix MAS. 
Masa nak book tu masuk je la pape no kat ruangan passport.
Nanti lepas dpt passport call la depa utk update info.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

uJiaN VeRSiON DaMia

Ohoi... lama betul x merepek di sini. Bizi ya amat...

Damia dah habis ujian dekat 2 weeks dah rasa.

Di sebabkan Damia anak 1st and xde org keliling yg belajar so Damia amat blur dgn istilah ujian or test.

Mami : Kakak amik la buku baca..
Damia : Nape?
Mami : Kakak kan nak ujian... cuba tgk tu jadual cikgu bagi
Damia : * muka blur..

Respond dia macam... ye lah esok nak ujian so...???????????

Mami : mcmana ujian tadi? Boleh jawab x?
Damia : x boleh
Mami : x boleh ???
Damia : sebenarnya kakak boleh jawab tapi kakak xnak bgtau mami..
Mami : Kalo kakak x dpt no 1 siap..
Damia : Kakak dapat no 11
Mami : aikk... ujian belum habis dah dpt no..?
Damia : apa salahnya dapat no 11? Nombor jugak kan...??