Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 Today off day. Need to bring Damia to monthly check up. Last nite tido lewat coz siapkan order. Around 3am la baru tedo itupun sebab Damia da stat merengek nak susu.
 And this morning at 8.30am, boss called. 
 " Shida, remember i asked u to do fax using yellow pages...blablbalablaa..."
 Aku agak dah semalam dia lupa nak ask. And yg paling pasti adalah dia lupa ke dia asked HR to do? And i only help aje.... And apa lgi, aku pun kena tembak lah pepagi buta nih. Hello...!!!! I am store controller and not ur personal assistant!!  
 " I dont care today u off ke apa ke. I want u to fax by today"
 Shit!! Did u know that its not my job??!! Not under my job description? Of coz i can give a hand but dont u know how to be polite when ask a favor? That a different when u need to manage human but hav no intelligent!! What ever it is, education still come first. That is where ur iQ level is!!

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