Banyak benda x bole nak decide sekarang ni hanya lah disebabkan 1 perkara. Date interview for governemnt servant. Huhu... result PAC dah keluar since 14 September. Almost a month dah rupanya. Ada yg kata akhir November. Tapi kalo aku tgk trend mcm akhir October ni.
Bak kata sepupu, call la sepupu...tanya.
So aku pon called la tadi @ 2.30pm. Whooppss... gomen lunch hour on Friday kan till 2.45pm. So i called back la @ 3pm. ' pegawai kami sedang sibuk.......' sampai la ke sudah. Then tried called back @ 4pm... pon sama jugak. Haii... busy betol keje gomen ni kan?
Pastu aku dok godek2 website spa, terjumpa la pulak hotline number, any difficulties in in terview session call blablba.... aku pon called la n Alhamdullillah nasebek ada org jawab. Owhh... dia x tahu date, and she gave me another number to try to make a phone call and ask. Tapi? call lah sampai nak patah jari eventho redial je ponn tetap xde org jawab!! Pastu call semula akak yg tadi tu, dengan dia dia pon sama x jawab phone. Hampeh!!
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