Thursday, September 30, 2010

ReZeKi DaMia.....

 Today survey jalan since esok will start new job @ new work place @ new company @ Kota Damansara. Keluar rumah hujan @ 7.10am. Jammed @ Plaza Phoenix smp depan Tmn Connaught (psimpngan to Kesas & Bdr Tun Razak). And ke LoK Yuew nampak sgt jammed. Lepas psimpgn Kesas-Bdr Tun Razak, jalan was clear until lepas tol RM0.50 was jammed - Federal la of course. Naik Kerinchi Link - TTDI-1 Utama-IKEA x jammed pon.. Just jammed sbb traffic light aje la.. 
 After IKEA, i was lost sbb mmg no idea pon kat mana terletaknya Carrefour. Jln2 straight pehtu stop kat Petronas n asked the cashier. Rupa2nya near Giant. So u-thunt back n smp C4 about 8.20am. Potong sesat terlajak jln  = about 8.10am. 
 New building, then sms HR n decided to choose KD instead of Kepong. 
 Confuse jammed??? eerrmmmmmm....??? 

 Allah mmg maha kaya lagi maha pemurah. New baby, setiap baby yg lahir ada rezeki memasing. Allah dah tetapkan rezeki setiap kelahiran n kita sebagai ibu bape hanya menumpang rezeki anak-anak. 
 @ 10am, my hubby called and informed me that he was accepted!!! 
 So both of us will start new life, new job, new higher salary @ new company with new working hours..
 Syukurr Alhamdullillah......

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