Tuesday, February 28, 2012


 This year..huhuu... this year, sebab aku terlupa besday my hubby.

 His birthday is on 26th Feb, last Sunday. Last Saturday night singgah kedai roti yg aku lupa dah namo eh. Bercadang utk beli pape utk alas perut dlm otw to Melaka. Aku amik cheese tart seperti biase ah, and hubby? Hubby tgk cake. Hurmm..nak makan kek ke? Aku asked mcm pelik. Selalu amik roti je. Hubby tgk dr deretan cake slice, membawa ke sebiji cake. Pelik la i kan.. nak beli sebiji kek? Nak makan ke?

 Sunday. At Melaka, his sister called and wish birthday.. Oh my god!!! Huhuhuu... sedey nye.. sian hubby i.

Mlm tu sampai Cheras singgah Jusco Balakong, beli cake n celebrate la birthday abi..hehe..sorry laling, i terforgot. This is the first n last time..insyAllah..

sangat sedap!!

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