Wednesday, February 8, 2012


 Sekali lagi KFC bikin havoc! Lepas satu satu kes keluar. Hari tu kuar ayam cap tapak kasut. Pehtu minyak cap kain buruk. La ni apa pulak? Gaduh bertumbuk dgn customer pulak.

 Maleh la aku nak share2 link kat sini. Tapi meh aku story mory sikit apa yg berlaku. Customer tu wait dah lama dekat sejam. Bila sampai turn dia ayam pun habis. Itu cerita yg dorg cerita. Pehtu that customers demand for apologise from the management. But the Store Manager doing nothing instead of the staff shouted at that customer ' kalau nak makan buat sendiri la b***'.

My experience..

1- if no enought stocks then- they will run looking for it from nearby outlet. Definitely the Store Manager able to read the customers flow. 

2- staff at the back are not aware with the crowd bcoz they at the back maa.. If no order then dorg bole goyang kaki. Kalo customer ramai dorg mmg x sempat nak even duduk pun.

3- when got customer complaint - actually nobody (staff) happy want to entertain. But the Store Manager have no choice to entertain the complaint.

4- what ever complain - worse to worse Store Manager only can angguk angguk ok ok sorry sorry. Standart maa.. 'customer is always right' - quote- they said but no me! Hehehee..

My conclusion :-

1. Customer terdiri dr byk jenis. Antaranya :-

    1. customer yg ok - able to understand the situation. Kalo dah mmg crowded- sendiri mau ingat la..
   2.  customer yg bengang - paling terer sumpah bodoh @ bangang then angkat kaki.
  3. customer yg dah nak mampus - pegi pulak maki hamun staffs. 

 Haaa... tu pasal la makan penumbuk dgn staff tu. 

 In real world la kan, org yg x keje retail mmg x akan tahu. Setakat kena maki hamun tu sebenarnya perkara biasa. Dah lali. Dah x heran. Cakap la apa pun, x jadi kudis pun dgn dorg. Masuk telinga kiri kuar telinga kanan. Ini bukan cerita kalo x bole handle stress pressure tekanan complaint pegi cari keje lain la, nak keje xde stress gi blaja tinggi2 amik dip degree dpt keje baik2 bagus2 gaji tinggi. Bukan ini cerita.

 Tapi kalo dah sampai makan penumbuk tu haa... lu pikir la sendiri!!

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