Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Adoiyaii...esok ada visit. Meaning big boss which is Regional Director nak dtg. Lemah tol kepala lutut aku dongar. Dulu ms awal2 koje tu telan liur jugak la mendengarkan kebrutalan dia. Last week jumpa dia pon dia soh joint together but just listen and observe as a new comer. Esoknye ni la yg wat aku lemah kepala lutut. Takot dia dah x xpect new comer..mampuih lah aku. Kot2 dia ask2 benda yg aku xtau... HHuuuaaa....seramnye..
 Franky speaking, now, current sitaation n condition, i dont think so that i can cope with this post. Rasa toooo heavy. Dulu pun xpect nak cr account exec je, tp post skg ni such boss of the figures. :(

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