After 5 years working at same company, now i am moving to new company with new post, new work place, new environment, new click everything is new.
Grade with accounting degree but working as management team. Store Manager as it called. After 5 years working, SM no more give a challenging to me. For all this time, i was looking for account@finance exec or something that related to my education background. 1 day, 1 company called me to attend the interview as Store Controller. Mmmm...another other than account post called. During the interview, after brief job description which just similar with what i am doing, i just felt that xde rezeki nampaknya. All this time, it was very hard to get into account field since i have no experienced at all. And to be truth i am willing to start as junior with salary level same as fresh grade.Then, on 2nd interviewed i just demand high salary and just accept the offer.
Joint a new company, I need to be trained first. And to be frank, i was so shocked. Ya Allah, it was accounting post totally involved figures which i never get prepared to see all the figures with all the formula2 that i left behind after graduation.
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