Wednesday, March 23, 2011


 Pocong? Ohh noo... Puchong yea Puchong bukannya Pocong. Ermm.. kalo nak travel dr Cheras ke Puchong jauh ke dekat ek? Dgn jammed lagi. Tapi kalo working place is much better compared to before why not right? The work emvironment pun ok. Compared to before poyo je lebih. Menyampah aku. 

 The post is defiinately what i want. Account exec. Yg tu wekk bukan account exec pun. Yg ni pure account. Tapi, kalo nak kejar2 dateline ni aku kureeng suka sket. Keje pun 5 days a week. So, see hows tomorrow first. Make a comparison and need to choose lah. 

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